We at NewspaperJobs.pk respectfully ask that users respect the intellectual property rights of others as we do. By the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), we have put the following policy into place to handle copyright infringement on our website. You can also view our privacy policy.
Notice of Infringement – Claim
The following format should be used for any copyright infringement allegations that are sent to our designated agent:
- A description of the location on the website of the material you think is infringing.
- Your phone number, email address, and address.
- A declaration from you stating that you firmly believe the disputed use is not permitted by the law, the copyright owner, or its agent;
- A declaration from you, given under penalty of perjury, attesting to the accuracy of the information above in your notice and attesting to the fact that you are the copyright owner or have been given permission to act on their behalf.
Send the written infringement notice to the email address mentioned below.
Email: dmca@newspaperjobz.pk
Response to Infringement
NewspaperJobz.pk will comply with the DMCA’s guidelines and this one after receiving appropriate notice of a purported infringement. Generally, this entails removing or blocking access to the purportedly infringing material.
If you think that the content you uploaded was taken down due to identification errors or mistakes, you can email us a counternotice with the following information:
- Your signature, either digital or physical;
- Identifying the content that has been deleted or to which access has been restricted, as well as the place where the content was previously visible before removal or access restriction;
- A declaration made under penalty of perjury stating that you sincerely believe the material was removed or disabled due to an error or misidentification of the content that was to be removed or disabled;
- Name, phone number, and address of the person.